
Class Presentation for Grade-IV held at Jesus’ Sacred Heart School (04.08.17)

                  Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all

Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds and Jesus’ Sacred Heart School students of grade IV have justified it by stepping into the world of great discoveries and inventions by using their innovative minds in class presentation held on 4th August, 2017 in the smart classrooms. They highlighted the great uncovering inventions done by the eminent scientists and chemists in various fields through their powerful valediction along with PPTs. Students spread information about new discoveries in planetary field, electric field ,medicine and of course about new gadgets. The students were well trained and apt in presentation that they seemed like a walking encyclopedia for the parents who were invited to attend it. They were awestruck to see the immense knowledge gathered by their ward through this presentation. The programme was a grand success. The students imparted the information that they are at the mercy of sweet will of an almighty, however strong they might become with new inventions and discoveries.