

DSC_2674Humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. Keeping in view this inspirational thought , International Labour’s Day was celebrated at Jesus’ Sacred Heart School today wherein students of grade IX presented the cultural extravaganza dedicating it to the working class on whom the whole system depends. Commencing with a speech on history and importance of the day, the function included poems, songs and many cultural items. The highlight of the show was the fun frolic `hasya kavi sammelan’ which made the environment resound with laughter.

The director of the school , S. Pawandeep Singh Sehgal , Principal Ms. Kirti Sharma along with entire staff and students were present there to boost up the morale of class IV employees of the school.

The fun based games were also played by them and students could be seen cheering up their personal favourites. A  friendly football and cricket match among drivers and conductors energized the whole environment. The token of appreciation from staff`s side was presented to each and every support staff to motivate them and thank them for their unconditional help and support. The school management organized a sumptuous lunch which was a kind way  of  appreciation that  goes a long way as a motivator. The day ended with a smile on the faces of the support staff  worth million.

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