


It is often said that the first sound a child hears is his mother talking to him. Mother is an integral part of our day, no matter how old we grow. To commemorate this intimacy and bonding between a mother and her child, JSHS organized a special screening of ‘The Mom Song’ on the occasion of Mother’s Day celebration.Children thoroughly enjoyed the viewing of the movie. The tiny tots also put up an act depicting the theme mother’s nurturing hands cannot be replaced by anything or anybody. As a token of their affection and attachment to ‘mommy dear’, the preprimary kids took little handcrafted heart garlands boasting-‘Mum I Love You!’ and garlanded their mums. It was indeed a touching moment when one of the mums broke into tears at such an emotional expression by her little one!.Tiny tots showered their mother’s with kisses and hugs and the mother loved them back. JSHS has been actively institutional in strengthening the bonding between the parents and their kids by organizing various activities and events simply as a gesture of the eternal love between a mother and her child.

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