

Summers just got more interesting when Jesus Sacred heart School offered a unique ensemble of sports. Art & craft activities and added with a tinge of dance and music tadka, the flavor just turned mouth watering!

As a pioneer in inculcating a sporting spirit in the young learners, summer activities ranged from swimming and skating, martial arts to open gusto games. Also included were the art & craft activities for bringing out the aesthetic sense of the children. Tiny tots were also sensitized towards the environment and other living forms by making ‘bird-feeders’ out of used plastic bottles. The senior children were involved in activities such as ‘Best out of Waste’ and ‘Cooking without fire’ where they learnt making tastiest of delicacies in addition to the regular sports and games. The extravagant summer bonanza was held from 28th May to 11th June and presented varied opportunities to the students to hone their personal grooming, physical as well as culinary skills.

The camp concluded in the form of competitions and presentations by the children showIMG_4646casing their learning of all the days. Varied competitions were held and certificates were given by the Director and the Principal on the closing Day.

An eye-catching display of the different talents captivated the parents who were delighted to see the ‘apple of their eyes’ perform with poise and confidence.