

Jesus’ Sacred Heart School celebrated a very special Grandparents’ Day with great enthusiasm. It was a very special day for families to share in the school life of the child and deepen the connection between school and home. The bond between a grand-parent and a grand-child is a special one. Students dedicated this exclusive day to their Grandparents.

Grandparents’ were felicitated by the students and the staff members. It was a visual treat to watch the children all dressed up to take charge for the day. The programme commenced with tilak ceremony followed by lighting of the lamp. Principal Ms Kirti Sharma addressed the august gathering and appreciated the school’s efforts in revering the grandparents and teaching the little ones to cherish their presence. She brought out the importance of grandparents in the cognitive development of children. The function was packed with songs and performances by the children. The toddlers delighted the elders and left them amazed with fun based games and activities. Grandparents were awed to see such a confident rendition by the little angels.

Grandparents, brimming with emotions, thanked the school for strengthening family bonds. They also appreciated the compassion and care that Jesus’ Sacred Heart School was providing to the students. The Principal, Ms. Kirti Sharma emphasised on the significant place of grandparents in the lives of children by inculcating basic human values, giving them their true and unconditional love and a rich culture to their progeny. She emphasized the ethos of school aimed at strengthening the bond of compassion and care between grandchildren and their parents – a humble attempt to keep families together and strengthen their bonds.