School provides an excellent international experience in most modern, contemporary yet safe environment. Be it methods or infrastructures all express the care and thought behind the following centres.

Smart Class
A digital revolution. An air conditioned classroom powered by the world’s latest digital educational technology. It (enables the teachers to use) includes digital resources such as graphics, animation, 3D images and Video clips in addition to the chalk and talk methods of teaching. A smart class is a digital revolution in the classrooms & curriculum it provides a lively learning platform for students.

Catering to all the streams: Science, Maths, S.Sc and Language Labs are well equipped and safe.
ICT Labs
Fully networked and equipped with latest (LCD) computers. Computers are used not only to teach computer science courses but also as a resource in academic area.
A well stocked library and learning centre promotes individual learning. There is a wealth of material to encourage the seeking mind to explore vast realms of knowledge.

Exploration Block
Different rooms of this block gives an early opportunity for the kindergarten and junior primary students to learn through doing using kinds of educational apparatus. (Blocks, manipulatives, puzzles, kinesthetic and sensory activity apparatus) as well as develop-communication skills by story telling and reading activities.
Creative Arts
To develop students artistic ability and individual expression various mediums are introduced to them. Music , dance, painting, drawing, clay modeling and other craft activities are regular features the curriculum. These activities are extended to all classes with clear objectives defined for each level of learners.